THE FINDINGS from two LITE projects have been launched in a new 'Snapshot' format Dr Samantha Pugh's project: 'Reimagining university assessment by learning from secondary education' and Dr Natasha McKeever's, 'Teaching Research Ethics: A New resource for an Old Need' are the first to be previewed in the new style. The new format brings together...
THE SUCCESSFUL applicants for this round of the LITE Student Education Catalyst Fund have been announced. A mixture of staff and students have won the funding to boost innovation in education across the University of Leeds. Projects ranging from research into 'Germ Bugs', to 'Learning Arabic Dialect(s)', and 'Managing the second year slump', will benefit from...
A SUCCESSFUL funding pilot to support events around the scholarship of teaching and learning has been rolled out on a longer term basis by the Leeds Institute for Teaching Excellence (LITE). The Supporting PedR Fund, which aims to provide up to £400 per bid for staff to deliver an event promoting research into student education...
A Revamped and more sustainable Student Education Bulletin (SEB) has been launched by the Leeds Institute for Teaching Excellence (LITE). The SEB, which started off life as the Learning & Teaching Bulletin in 2002, covers news, features and comment in Student Education from across the University of Leeds. Click the PDF below for a look...
EXPLORING the potential of learning analytics to impact student learning and academic practice is the focus of a new Fellowship launched by the Leeds Institute for Teaching Excellence (LITE). The LITE Learning Analytics Fellowship will play an important role in the development of the institutional learning analytics strategy and a Code of Practice on learning...
A NEW teaching fellowship that brings together two previous secondments into one flexible offer of both funding and time has been designed by the Leeds Institute for Teaching Excellence (LITE). The LITE Fellowship is a merger of the former year-long Excellence and Innovation Fellowship and the shorter Teaching Enhancement Project into a secondment model designed...
A NEW fund to support staff and student innovation in education across the University of Leeds has been launched by the Leeds Institute for Teaching Excellence (LITE). Both staff and students can apply for the LITE Student Education Catalyst Fund, which will provide a small project grant of £1,000 to help boost student education at...
VIEW HERE two #SEC2019 keynote videos exploring how technology-enhanced teaching spaces impact learning and how the power of learning and teaching can be unharnessed by using learning analytics. Day One of this year's Student Education conference at the University of Leeds saw Adam Finkelstein , McGill University, Canada, present his talk: 'Space Matters: How next generation...
WITH #SEC2019 still casting a warm glow in our memory why not relive the two days with a look through our conference picture gallery below? Kelvin Tapley, (interim) LITE Director said: "It's been another great and thought-provoking conference so a big thank you to all who contributed and attended. "We now begin planning for #SEC2020...
The University of Leeds has appointed award-winning 'pedagogic leading light' Tina Overton as the new Director of the Leeds Institute for Teaching Excellence (LITE). Professor Overton, who was formerly Professor of Chemistry at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, has been the recipient of multiple awards, including the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Higher Eduction Teaching Award....