LITE Student Education Catalyst Fund
A NEW fund to support staff and student innovation in education across the University of Leeds has been launched by the Leeds Institute for Teaching Excellence (LITE).
Both staff and students can apply for the LITE Student Education Catalyst Fund, which will provide a small project grant of £1,000 to help boost student education at Leeds.
Grants, which are available for summer 2019 or the 2019/20 academic year, can be spent on travel, research assistant time or catering, for example.
Professor Tina Overton, Director at LITE, said:
"This new funding offer is just one way in which we are widening opportunity to both students and staff help improve student education at Leeds.
It's particularly exciting that this funding is being offered to students University-wide and hopefully it will allow us to tap into an valuable insight from a student's perspective.
"If you have a good idea for an innovation or you have a project that would benefit from a modest amount of funding, then we welcome your application."
Project outputs will be evaluated and disseminated internally and externally by grant holders to develop the practice, pedagogy and reputation of student education at the University.
Professor Overton added that collaborative projects and those from teams covering more than one School of Faculty were particularly welcome.
"Staff-led projects should include a contribution from the student body in an advisory or partnership role whereas student -led projects may also include staff of the University in an advisory or partnership role but must have a named member of staff who can advise LITE whether the project aligns with the needs of the school or service," she added.
To apply complete the online application form by 23:59 on Monday, 29th April 2019.
Applicants should discuss project ideas with heads of school/service prior to application and, if successful, LITE will confirm that project has its support.
Student-led projects may not use the funding to support credit -bearing activity, such as modules they are enrolled in.
If you have any ideas, to explore the funding further or for any queries, please contact Professor Tina Overton on: 0113 343 4520/ext: 34520, or by email:
The Leeds Institute for Teaching Excellence embodies the University's commitment to excellence and innovation in education, giving academic staff the opportunity to develop and implement projects and establish a culture of high quality teaching innovation, scholarship and leadership.