Scholarship Research Resources
The links below provide lists of resources to help you through different stages of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) research from research design, analysis and dissemination.
These pages will continue to be developed. If you know of any additional resources that you think other members of the scholarship community may find helpful, please contact us at and we will add it to our pages.
Qualitative Research Resources
This page has a list of resources to introduce a range of creative qualitative methods of research and to help you get started with qualitative data analysis.
Quantitative Research Resources
This page contains a list of resources to help you choose which software to use to create online questionnaires and analyse quantitative data.
Research Dissemination Resources
This page aims to give you some ideas of different ways you can disseminate SoTL research along with practical information on how to carry out the methods for your research project.