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Induction for Online Academic Practice



Induction for Online Academic Practice

Adam Richardson - Digital Education Service

Project overview

The project aims to support the development of an induction programme for academic staff working on the University’s fully online programmes. It proposes to do this by conducting a review of the current literature and good practice surrounding the design, development and teaching of online programmes, before then engaging with academic staff and students to understand their lived experiences developing, delivering and receiving online education. Through this the project seeks to understand the existing skills and knowledge gaps an induction programme can address to support academic colleagues in their professional development.

The research approach

Firstly, the project will conduct a thorough review of the current literature on academic induction and experiences of teaching online to inform not just this research, but other research projects aimed at continuous improvement in online education.

The project intends to use both quantitative and qualitative methods to underpin the development of an induction programme. These are likely to include surveys, structured interviews and listening rooms. Through these the project will explore the lived experience of staff and students, using their perspectives to inform our approach to academic induction. Time permitting, I want to also explore a collaborative autoethnographical approach.

To find out more about the project please contact Adam Richardson

Each fellowship has a project sponsor that helps the fellows achieve impact across the institution. The sponsor for this fellowship is Jane Dalton.

Project start date: September 2023