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Evaluating multi-mode teaching

Evaluating the pedagogy of multi-mode teaching

Andrew Davies (School of Medicine)

Project overview

Multi-mode teaching uses technology that allows both students and teachers to attend a teaching session either in person or on-line. Enhanced audio-visual capabilities allow clear text, audio and video communication between those on-campus and online. The University of Leeds is piloting the use of multi-mode teaching facilities, and this project aims to assess how the new multi-mode facilities are used most effectively. Topics that will be investigated are how to best delivery different teaching activities using the technology, the student experience when engaging online and in-person, and to explore when and why students choose to engage in person or online.

The research approach

The project will have considerable student input and will engage with students through surveys, focus groups, student representatives and the university’s teaching evaluation process. This will be supplemented with the use of learning analytics. Experience and input from staff teaching and working using multi-mode facilities will also be vital in informing and steering the project.

If you would like to find out more about the project contact Andy (

Each fellowship has a project sponsor that helps the fellows achieve impact across the institution. The sponsor for this fellowship is Paul Taylor.

Project start date: September 2021