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Code of Practice for Inclusive Learning and Teaching


clock in brotherton library

Code of Practice for Inclusive Learning and Teaching

Helen Clarke (School of Design) and Paul Wilson (School of Design)

Project overview

We will co-produce a Code of Practice for Inclusive Learning and Teaching with learners in the School of Design which captures and communicates diverse experiences and perspectives, and provides a method through which the policy is developed going forward.

We will make use of innovative methods of creative participation and storytelling, to transform the CoP into visual object/s (film, animation, poster, infographic or other). We aim to develop a policy which genuinely reflects the needs of its community of users and provides a benchmark for inclusion that will be understood and applied by all in the school, and can be adapted as a methodology in other schools and universities.

The research approach

Paragogy is a learning approach which fosters knowledge from a network’s interactions, and considers the shared context of peer-learning as being ‘in motion’, with a potential for continuous transformation - confronting and acknowledging difference, and recognising the equality in a shared point of departure. It highlights the value in bringing together a complex and entangled range of learners whose experiences and perspectives instigate collective ‘worldbuilding’.

Scholarship on boundary object completes our theoretical framework. These objects work within and across communities of practice (such as the School and University), generating multiple meanings and a consensus for their use in their context.

If you would like to find out more about the project contact Helen Clarke or Paul Wilson


Each fellowship has a project sponsor that helps the fellows achieve impact across the institution. The sponsor for this fellowship is Pam Birtill

Project start date: September 2024