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Assessment mapping for inclusivity

Assessment mapping for inclusivity

Dan Trowsdale - School of Mechanical Engineering

Project overview

This fellowship will explore the impact of visual representation/mapping of assessments on behaviours amongst staff and students. It is framed through the lens of inclusivity and builds on existing good practice including internally. The fellowship will involve research to understand the way in which it has influenced assessment design and attitudes towards assessment across schools with varying experience of using such tools.

The research approach

Assessment is a critical element of learning and an unavoidable element of the student experience.  Research suggests that assessment can be a source of both positive and negative experiences for students.  The design and scheduling of assessment affects the behaviour of both staff and students as stakeholders.   An improved outcome will benefit the wellbeing of all involved in assessment, those creating assessment and those being assessed. Making the planning, design and implementation of assessment more visible, tangible and transparent within a learning journey should support a more open, collaborative and inclusive approach.

To find out more about the project please contact Darren Trowsdale.

Each fellowship has a project sponsor that helps the fellows achieve impact across the institution. The sponsor for this fellowship is Pam Birtill.

Project start date: September 2023