WOULD YOU like to play a key role in shaping the evolution of the digitally-enabled and collaborative learning spaces of tomorrow? The Leeds Institute for Teaching Excellence (LITE) is seeking a Teaching Enhancement Project Leader to evaluate the use and impact of collaborative lecture theatres. Applications for the fixed term, year-long secondment are invited from current...
CAREER DEVELOPMENT, impact and networking were among subjects discussed by the panel on the second day of this year's event. The panel were made up of (see below, left to right) Mitch Waterman (Pro Dean for Student Education), Andrea Jackson (LITE), Simon Lightfoot (School of Politics and International Studies), Kelvin Tapley (Pro-Dean for Student Education),...
Click the icon below to watch the Pro-Vice Chancellor Teaching and Learning at Plymouth University's keynote at this year's SEC/DigiFest. Or click here to view Prof. Kneale's slides. It was a return to the University of Leeds for Professor Kneale, who is also Director at the Plymouth's Pedagogic Reaserch Institute and Observatory (PedRIO), as she taught...
Click the icon below for the tech chief executive's keynote presentation, titled: 'Digital Transformation of Higher Education', which he delivered to a full Rupert Beckett lecture theatre on the first day of the conference. Please click the icon below to watch in full.
Eleven new Teaching Enhancement Project (TEPs) have been unveiled by the Leeds Institute for Teaching Excellence (LITE). The majority of the new cohort of educational innovators and scholars will start work this month (January) on a diverse range of projects strategically designed to improve student education at the University. The 11 projects – three of...
A NEW team dedicated to driving forward the development of teaching and learning in physics has been launched. The 'Physics Education Research Group', or, PERG, brings together staff who have interest and track record in developing students' learning and engagement in physics to promote more in-depth research and development. Founded at the University of Leeds School...
The DIRECTOR of LITE has been awarded one of the most prestigious honours for higher education teaching. Dr Raphael Hallett, who heads up the Leeds Institute for Teaching Excellence, has been made a National Teaching Fellow by the Higher Education Academy, along with Dr Sarah Underwood, Director of the Centre for Enterprise & Entrepreneurship Studies,...
The School of Physics and Astronomy has officially joined the respected White Rose Industrial Physics Academy. The Academy (WRIPA), which is led by the Universities of York and Sheffield, alongside Hull and Nottingham, was established to promote technical career opportunities for physicists and help students find placements and graduate jobs. The University of Leeds has...
A VIRTUAL reality tool that could revolutionise the teaching and learning of geography has scooped a prestigious award. The Virtual Landscapes team at the University of Leeds, and Leeds College of Art, jointly developed the software which won the Times Higher Education award for Outstanding Digital Innovation in Teaching or Research at a ceremony in central...
THE LATEST edition of the Student Education Bulletin (SEB) is out. Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Student Education, Tom Ward, writes about his focus for the coming months and sets out how the University can adapt to the changing higher education environment. This edition also shines a light on some of the varied career-development pathways available for University...