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Understanding the student experience in the action planning processes.


International students in the library at the University of Leeds

Understanding the student experience in the action planning processes, with a view of improving student engagement.

Amanda Lassu - Quality Assurance (SES)

Project overview

The project seeks to understand ways in which students could be supported when providing their feedback as part of the School Action Planning process. Students involved in the process are invited to offer their feedback as part of each Faculty Taught Student Education Committee and Student Partnership Meeting. Whilst their attendance levels at these meetings have never been an issue, they often have not provided substantial feedback. I seek to understand whether providing informal opportunities for students to provide feedback before these meetings will improve engagement and improve the quality of the feedback collected.

The research approach

I will deploy the following data collection methods:

- 2x Asynchronous online questionnaires for participants to submit response and collaborate to inform areas for thematic analysis.

- 2x Focus groups to capture how students define and experience

- 2x 30 min informal discussions to gather feedback on school-level concerns

To find out more about the project please contact Amanda Lassu

Each fellowship has a project sponsor that helps the fellows achieve impact across the institution. The sponsor for this fellowship is tbc.

Project start date: September 2023