A Representative Medical Curriculum
A Representative Medical Curriculum
Bethany Bracewell, supervised by Dr Andrew Walker and supported by the wider representative medical curriculum team
About the student researcher
I'm Beth and I am a final year medical student. I am delighted to be able to contribute research to exploring representation and inclusivity within the medical curriculum. I have a strong interest in medical education and I am passionate about improving inclusivity within higher education. As a student from a widening participation background who suffers from a disability, I have faced many barriers and challenges throughout my time in university and I therefore want to help improve the medical curriculum and reduce the barriers and inequalities that students face.
Project overview
This project provides an opportunity to reflect upon the current MBChB curriculum with the aim of ensuring that the MBChB programme is representative of our diverse community and ensure University Values are at its heart. The project will use surveys, interviews and focus groups to explore the experiences of stakeholders and consider priorities for curriculum change, with a particular focus on Equality, Diversity, and Inclusivity (EDI). The data obtained through these qualitative methods will undergo thematic analysis, so that key priorities for change can influence curriculum redesign and continue the proud record of successful EDI initiatives within the School of Medicine.
If you are interested in finding out about the project findings, please contact the project supervisor.