New interim Deputy Vice Chancellor: Student Education announced

PROFESSOR Peter Jimack has been appointed as the interim Deputy Vice Chancellor: Student Education - and he has begun his tenure by paying tribute to the work of his predecessor.
Council approved the appointment with immediate effect of Professor Jimack in his new senior leadership role at the University of Leeds.
The former Executive Dean of the Faculty of Engineering thanked former DVC Professor Ward for his hard work during the last four years and paid tribute to his contribution to Student Education at the University.
He said: "I'd like to express my sincere gratitude to Tom on behalf of all the staff and students for his commitment, hard work and considerable achievements across Student Education at Leeds.
Tom always put colleagues who teach and support learning at the heart of his work and, under his leadership, we have made great strides in further strengthening the Partnership with our students to provide an inspiring, challenging and supportive community.
"This has enabled, and continues to enable, all of us - students and staff alike - to realise our potential and achieve our ambitions.
"We now wish him well in his future endeavours."
Prior to this appointment, Professor Jimack was Executive Dean of the former Faculty of Engineering for nine years to 2019, and before that a pro-dean for three years.
An open international recruitment process will begin soon for a permanent appointment to the role of DVC: Student Education.