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Developing a global citizenship education toolkit

Developing a global citizenship education toolkit

Richard Harris, Pam Birtill & Madeleine Pownall (School of Psychology)

Project overview

A global citizenship education equips students with skills that allow them to contribute to global problems in a responsible, informed, and ethical way. However, there are challenges associated with embedding a global citizenship education. For example, the methods for effectively embedding global citizenship into the curriculum are unclear.

In this fellowship, we’ll first investigate where global citizenship sits within accreditation standards across the university. We will then identify best practice in global citizenship education across the HE sector, and assess stakeholder perceptions.

This fellowship will create a toolkit that will facilitate the implementation of a global citizenship education at a programme and module level. The toolkit will inspire, provide practical guidance, and pedagogical evidence for global citizenship approach to education, and assist educators in implementing a global citizenship education.

The research approach

Different methodological approaches will be employed during the Fellowship. Initially, we will undertake a review of Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) benchmarks and programme accreditation standards across the university. We will also assess stakeholder (including students, staff, graduates and employers) perceptions of a global citizenship education. To do this, we will use a range of quantitative and qualitative questions, as well as focus groups.

To find out more about the project please contact Richard (, Pam ( or Maddi (

Each fellowship has a project sponsor that helps the fellows achieve impact across the institution. The sponsor for this fellowship is Paul Taylor.

Project start date: January 2022