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LITE Fellowships: Applications Open


Applications are open for the LITE fellowships starting in September 2023!

​​​​​​​LITE fellowships provide the opportunity for colleagues across the university to carry out a student education-related project based on innovative teaching, service development, scholarship or pedagogy.

We offer three types of fellowships:

Professional Services Fellowship

An opportunity for colleagues to explore a project over 12 months at 0.2 FTE (equivalent to 1 day a week). Colleagues who are successful will be provided with a comprehensive range of support to help them carry out their research project including dissemination activity and generation of impact. The opportunities are exclusively open to those that work within the Professional Services at the university. Find out more about the Professional Services Fellowship.

Accelerator Fellowship

Funding in the form of a secondment of up to 0.8 FTE (in total) which can be allocated to projects to be carried out between one and three years. These projects are targeted at supporting the delivery of the University’s student education strategy demonstrating transformation and innovation both within the curriculum and the wider learning experience. All colleagues are invited to apply for these fellowships. Find out more information about the Accelerator Fellowship.

Commissioned Fellowships

Opportunities to carry out research on a predefined project brief, varying in length from 12 to 24 months. The commissioned fellowships we have available this year are:

Closing date for all applications is the 30th June. LITE Research and Impact Officers; Emma Peasland and Dave Riley are both happy to set up a meeting to chat about fellowship ideas.