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SAAW Online - Decolonising STEM workshop

Thursday 24 September 2020, 13:00 to 15:30

PRACTICAL ideas around decolonising your curricula in STEM will be explored as part of this Share, Adopt, Adapt workshop.

Join STEM academics from Leeds and other UK universities as part of the Decolonising Science Committee for an afternoon of progressive and reflective discussion around the decolonisation of science and the curriculum, in a safe collective space.

In this workshop we will discuss the what, the why and the how to decolonise science.

Firstly, the thought-provoking pre-workshop material will kickstart a short group conversation, followed by the introductory talks from the event organiser, Lara Lalemi, PhD student, University of Bristol, and Dr. Michael Bravo, University of Cambridge, which will delve into what we understand to be the colonisation of science and indeed the foundations of decolonising science.

There will be as an opportunity to discuss, write and challenge what decolonising science means and looks like. It is a chance to explore the efficacy of decolonising science and where this sits in our work practices and pedagogy.

The aim of the workshop is to help you help your students, and your university to bring about curriculum development and reformation.

Dr Neil Williams, Director of Undergraduate Studies in the Faculty of Science Engineering and Computing at Kingston University, will then proceed to guide you through developing your pathway for change.

Lastly, closing remarks and the Committee's ‘One Commitment’ postcards will be noted to empower everyone to continue on their journey to decolonising the science around them.

This event will be recorded - presentations, but not breakout rooms - but will not be shared outside of the University of Leeds, apart from with the external presenters

Register here.