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SAAW: How can we make breakout rooms successful?

Wednesday 17 February 2021, 14:00

Our speakers will share some practical examples and underpinning pedagogic principles for maximising interaction and engagement in online breakout rooms. They will share ideas on how to relieve student anxiety, frame the space and situate such activities in the wider learning journey. This time, we will hear from Alexandra Holloway (Language Centre), Mark Thomas (Earth and Environment) as well as Ellen Avery, Catherine Bates and Richard de Blacquière-Clarkson from the Lifelong Learning Centre.

The workshop will be followed by SAAW Extra, a relaxed and unrecorded space to continue the conversation. This is led by Aline Gaus (OD&PL) from 3pm-3:30pm - the link to the meeting will be shared on the day with attendees.

University of Leeds staff can sign up using this link.