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Inclusive Teaching

This area of work started as a Fellowship under the title ‘Reviewing the inclusiveness of learning and teaching practices’ in 2017 led by Jenny Brady.  The aim was to embed inclusive practices, in line with government guidance for the Higher Education sector.

In 2018 the University agreed a set of 6 baseline standards, forming a framework for ensuring that practices meet the learning and teaching needs of Leeds’ diverse student body.

Activity explored the practice in learning and teaching to identify where the agreed standards were already being met and any challenges associated with meeting the standards. This was done through engagement with students and staff, and understanding any disciplinary specific considerations.

In order to facilitate this, a network of colleagues at local level was established, School Academic Leads for Inclusive Pedagogies (SALIPs).

Research questions answered the following:

  1. Where do issues of inclusive practice most commonly arise, in relation to the student experience?
  2. Are there any specific challenges in meeting the baseline standards at subject level?
  3. What support do staff need from the institution to enable them to meet baseline standards?

Findings enabled the identification of the gap between current delivery and the baseline standards and through the SALIPs explored current and potential interventions.


Data gathered from the review has been published in the Baseline Standards Review – Full Report Spring 2022 (PDF).

Jenny has also written a series of blogs highlighting her work:

This area of work is now far greater than the fellowship it started as and Jenny Brady continues to drive the development of inclusive learning and teaching across the University. You can access resources, training and read the latest newsletters on the Inclusive Teaching website.

If you would like more information then please contact Jenny (