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Effective online assessment methods for maths education

Yvonne Lai supervised by Samantha Pugh

About the student researcher

I am Yvonne and I am in my forth year of studying Civil and Structural Engineering. I am excited to contribute to the research of effective online assessment methods for maths education and student access because I am passionate about reducing the effects of barriers to participation in higher education.

Project overview

My project aims to make recommendations for both secondary and higher education in terms of assessment formats, content, and approach that will enhance learning, with a particular focus on students from groups that are disadvantaged or under-represented in higher education.

The project started off with literature review of benefits of digital assessments which outlined assessment formats, content, and approach that was seen to improve learning, then moving on to outline how different barriers to participation may challenge students to benefit from digital assessments. Then I have summarised some evaluation criteria for accessibility and learning enhancements for products online, which I used for evaluating 13 products that are available on the market, for each I outlined the target market, core functionalities and accessibility.

Finally, I used all of the information gathered to give key points to consider before choosing a product to invest in, and information I would recommend seeking out before making a choice.

If you would like to read the full report then please contact to request a copy.