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Find out more about the members of the Leeds Institute for Teaching Excellence team, what their roles are and how they can support you. You can also find out more about the current and past fellows and the projects they are and have been working on as well as the members of the board shaping the future direction of the institute.

Completed Fellows

Lydia BleasdaleAn Evidence-Based Approach to Embedding Resilience Within the CurriculumSchool of Law
Bee BondThe role of language in discipline-specific knowledge and understandingSchool of Languages, Cultures and Societies
Cecile de CatBuilding a Civic Curriculum: Helping local schools better support EAL children through enhanced student impact and teacher CPDSchool of Languages, Cultures and Societies
Sarah HumphreysAn Evidence-Based Approach to Embedding Resilience Within the Curriculum
Maria KapsaliMobile phones and digital creativity School of Performance and Cultural Industries
Chiara La SalaEnhancement of the pedagogic practice in higher education through engagement with PGRSSchool of Languages, Cultures and Societies
Peter MatthewsThe Academic Listening ProjectLifelong Learning Centre
Andrew MearmanExploring links between induction, exit and Retention (ELIXIR) (2020) Evaluation of the Welcome, Induction and Transition 2020 Project (2021)Economics (Leeds University Business School)
Niamh MullenThe Academic Listening ProjectSchool of Languages, Cultures and Societies
Scott PalmerMobile phones and digital creativitySchool of Performance and Cultural Industries
Ruth PayneExploring links between induction, exit and retention (ELIXIR) School of Languages, Cultures and Societies
Samantha PughReimaging university assessment by learning from secondary education (RUALSE)School of Physics and Astronomy
Helen SadigBuilding a Civic Curriculum: Helping local schools better support EAL children through enhanced student impact and teacher CPDSchool of Languages, Cultures and Societies
Kelvin TapleyMaximising and exploiting assessment criteria through inclusive co-constructionSchool of Chemistry
Dan TrowsdaleCo-creation of design for learningSchool of Mechanical Engineering
Suzanne YoungTransitions through University: Exploring expectations and motivations of undergraduate studentsSchool of Law