LITE announces new fellowship cohort
THE NEXT generation of educational innovators and scholars have been unveiled by the Leeds Institute for Teaching Excellence (LITE).
A total of four Excellence and Innovation Fellowships and seven Teaching Enhancement Projects (TEPs) make up the latest of a diverse range of projects designed to improve student education at the University of Leeds.
The majority of the new cohort of educational innovators and scholars will start work this month (January) on a diverse range of projects strategically designed to improve student education at the University, although two projects are already underway.
The 11 projects – three of which will be co-led and many of which cross disciplines - will be supported through a combination of full or partial secondments research funding.
Dr Kelvin Tapley, Director (interim) of LITE, said:
"We are delighted to welcome 13 new colleagues to our LITE community in what is an exciting third year for the Institute.
"The project leads will set an aspirational standard of educational improvement that will develop teaching practice and scholarship within and beyond the University of Leeds.
"I now look forward to seeing the work of our new fellows and TEP leaders join an expanding and impressive list of completed LITE projects all of which contribute to the University of Leeds strong and growing reputation for student education."
Click here for more information about the Completed LITE Projects.
As part of their role, Fellows and TEP holders will contribute fully to the Institute’s scholarly community, content towards the digital and external-facing profiles of the LITE and act as ambassadors at internal and external events.
They will disseminate their project findings internally and externally to develop the practice, pedagogy and reputation of student education at the University of Leeds. Their projects will enable them to further develop leadership roles in student education in their school, unit or service.
Projects have been guided by ‘strategic themes’ outlined as priorities by the Institute. These support the Leeds Curriculum and respond to current Higher Education issues.
TEPs can also correspond to 'open themes' which leave room for more experimental approaches to enhancing student education and educational research.
The Institute provides funding, time and support for current and future student education leaders to develop their profile at the University and to carry out research and innovation projects with internal and external impact