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Natasha McKeever, Inter-Disciplinary Ethics Applied Centre

Teaching Research Ethics – A New Resource for an Old Need


This project aims to provide online learning materials in research ethics which can be used both by students at the University of Leeds, and outside.

A Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) will be created, using the FutureLearn platform and working with the Digital Education Service.

This course will equip students to: understand the history of the development of research ethics principles; recognise and evaluate key principles of ethical research, and reflect on the ethics of their own research.

The materials from the MOOC will then be available to be used to create online learning materials on the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) more specifically for Leeds students. Bespoke materials for different schools can be created based on their specific needs.

Next year we will pilot online research ethics teaching with two schools, and we hope to expand this in 2019/20.

Follow this link for more information about this MOOC and to register.

Contact Dr McKeever directly at: